The University of Cyprus (UCY) was officially founded in 1989. The University has five faculties, Pure and Applied Sciences, Economics and Management, Humanities and Social Sciences, Letters and the recently formed Faculty of Engineering. The Department of Computer Science, belonging to the Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, is one of the most active Departments of the University. The Department is very active in the areas of information technology and communications, while it has also been very active in attracting funding and since Cyprus joined the E.U. it has participated in over 150 projects funded by various frameworks of the European Union. The overall funding is currently at the level of about 30 MEUROs. The University of Cyprus participates in the CHAT2LEARN Erasmus+ project through the Software Engineering and Internet Technologies (SEIT) Laboratory, an integral part of the Department of Computer Science.
The Software Engineering and Internet Technologies (SEIT) Laboratory focuses its research activities on two important areas of Information Technology, namely Software Engineering and Internet Technologies. The lab is also actively involved in activities related to E-Business, E-Government, Multimedia Communication Platforms, and Frameworks for elders’ social inclusion, active ageing and independent living. SEIT has extensive experience in the area of applying ICT to e-Learning, m-Learning and Open and Distance Learning in general as well as Life Long Learning in particular. Regarding only the Erasmus+ related themes, SEIT has recently coordinated four Erasmus+ projects (VeLoCiTy, World-of-Physics, DiFens, IDEA), currently coordinates two Erasmus+ projects: CHAT2LEARN (begun in 2021) and wINGS (begun in 2018), and also participates in 19 more: DIGIWATER, FARM, ALIVE, Digi-Ageing, DiGi4ME, KAEBUP, EASIER, EPUM, ELSE, AT-SGIRES, SENSE, WINDEXT, Dig-It, ISSA, ICT-4TVET, TOOLS, PRIMAE, QHELP, Digi-Sporting and Job-Jo. SEIT has also participated in 13 Leonardo da Vinci projects, 3 EUMEDIS projects, 2 FP (Framework Programs), 1 INCO-DC and 3 projects funded by national funds. It has also participated in the EMUNI project and the VUSCC initiative, both related to policy making or reform and qualifications accreditation, as well as in the Interreg IVC project Innofun, on developing policies for entrepreneurship and innovation. SEIT is currently participating in two AAL projects: eSticky, and GUIDed, and in one national project: ReaDI-STANCE.
Nikanor Ltd was established in 2002 as a private company working in the field of recruitment, adults training and human resources management and development. We’re licensed by NAVET as an adults vocational training center and for a Center for Information and Guidance. Nikanor Ltd is a member of EfVET (one of the leading European-wide professional associations which has been created by, and for, Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers.) We are co-founders and members of the International Network LET HER IN ( The aim of the network is to join forces to develop and implement stronger and higher-quality initiatives to empower women to discover their potential.)
The company operates on the local and on international level, depending on the projects it has. It offers vocational trainings in 32 specialties, language courses and soft skill trainings. We continuously update our programmes and develop new training modules. Our focus is not only on course content but also on improving methodology and including modern pedagogical tools and methods. We offer classroom-based trainings, online trainings, blended learning, virtual classrooms, etc.
Nikanor Ltd also offers informal and non-formal learning and aims to promote youth participation in social projects and programmes at local level (cultural integration, volunteering, entrepreneurship…). All our projects and initiatives aim to involve educators, teachers, professors, students and the whole community in carrying out projects and programmes that promote life-long learning and develop participants' communication, leadership and occupational skills.
Lidi Smart Solutions was founded to promote the latest trends in the digital era, offering web-education for adults and youth in a number of fields. Among our core activities were developing and implementing online education platforms and e-learning tools. From there, we grew to tackle the leading-edge technologies, striving to demystify them and increase their accessibility to various social and professional groups. Hence empowering larger communities with the opportunity to take on the demanding challenges of the 21st century. Our recent ventures include exploring the various uses for disruptive blockchain and AI technologies as well as a content synthesis for MOOCs, contributing to EU-funded projects.
Entrepreneurship has been particularly in the scope of our interests and has resulted in a number of training materials. Our focus is on teaching and helping beginning and current entrepreneurs possess relevant and up-to-date knowledge and advanced entrepreneur’s bundle of skills. Among our goals is to broaden the understanding of ready-to-use drag-and-drop platforms and tools as well as the other digital instruments that exist. Integrating some of them into the work environment would equip the entrepreneurs to be competitive members of the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Comprehending the foundations of numerous of the newest technologies would help them see new business perspectives or boost their existing businesses.
The company is based in The Netherlands.
ASSET – Azienda Speciale Sviluppo Economico e Territoriale della Basilicata – is an Agency of the Chamber of commerce, industry, craftsmanship and agriculture of Basilicata established (pursuant to Par. 32 of Royal Decree 2011/1934 and to Par. 2 of Law 580/1993) on May 1st 2019 following the merger by incorporation of the two previous Agencies (FORIM and CESP) of the former Chambers of Commerce of Potenza and Matera, now united in the Chamber of commerce of Basilicata.
The “Aziende Speciali” are instrumental agencies of the Chambers of commerce that have set them up and operate according to their directives, helping to implement their programmes and projects (Par. 2, subpar.5 of the Law 580/1993).
ASSET is a body governed by public law that has among its statutory tasks:
Being a public organisation, ASSET has not commercial purposes but aims at proposing and carrying out services and projects able to start an economic ecosystem helpful for the start-up, development and improvement of the local businesses. For that reason it invests human and economic resources to carry out projects and activities about the topics listed above, proposes and actively participates in networks of public and private organisations (e.g. in the fields of the work-based learning methodologies or the support to new entrepreneurs), co-operates with the Basilicata Region in active employment policies, etc. always with the aim of activating synergies with all the relevant stakeholders of the region.
ASSET has at the moment 23 permanent employees allocated between the five functional areas (or Units) of the Agency (internalisation and digitisation of the MSMEs; mediation, conciliation, out-of-court resolution of disputes and prevention of corporate crises; control and certification of products covered by geographical indications or names of origin; services to businesses; European projects, vocational guidance and training, work related learning and new businesses service).
DomSpain (DS Formacio) is a Training and Consulting Company active on a national and international level. It offers a variety of services to the public and private sectors of Spain and actively participates in international schemes.
The Training department of DomSpain develops educational programmes in four main directions:
The company provides both face-to-face and online classes.
The courses and trainings are implemented in our own premises as well as at 6 community centres and 5 schools of the Tarragona province. We employ more than 40 educators and count with around 1400 students each academic year.
DomSpain has a highly qualified IT team that has implemented various national and international projects involving development of educational platforms.
It also focusses on strengthening the capacity of small-sized enterprises and organisations, as well as working on social issues, involving in our activities all community members, including employers and governmental officials at all levels.